I understand that there are no submission fees and that READ offers cash rewards to those who win the Flash Contests, but does READ offer any monetary compensation to those whose work is accepted for general publication?
How are you specifically defining flash fiction? I've seen different outlets set different word counts, and I'd like to be sure that a submission will hit your criteria.
Yes, we are sending a confirmation email to everyone who submits to the contest. If you have submitted a piece and have not received a confirmation within seven days, please reach out.
Is cutting and pasting something to the submission email no good? I don't know how to pdf file this thing.
To be fair for all entrants, submission guidelines must be followed. Submissions must be attached to the email as a PDF or WORD document.
Where/How do you submit your fiction for the contest?
Please click the “submission guidelines” link in this post. The email to submit your fiction is directly below the submission guidelines link.
I understand that there are no submission fees and that READ offers cash rewards to those who win the Flash Contests, but does READ offer any monetary compensation to those whose work is accepted for general publication?
As payment for publication in its electronic edition:
Prize winning entries receive stated cash sum.
Non-prize winning entries selected for publication receive $25 paid upon publication of the issue.
All published authors receive one-year free access to the subscriber section of READ magazine including all currently offered benefits.
How are you specifically defining flash fiction? I've seen different outlets set different word counts, and I'd like to be sure that a submission will hit your criteria.
Please refer to the “submission guidelines” section.
Where do you announce winners of each contest, so as subscribers can all see the winners?
Here at the magazine. Winners will also be notified by email.
Will we receive an email or other notification confirming an entry has been received?
Yes, we are sending a confirmation email to everyone who submits to the contest. If you have submitted a piece and have not received a confirmation within seven days, please reach out.
How or where do I submit my entry into the flash fiction contest 2024?
Instructions can be found by clicking the ‘submissions guidelines’ link. Submit to: nine25books@gmail.com
Do winners get a copy of the magazine?
Winners will get a copy of the end of the year anthology.